
Vegan Cream of Mushroom Soup

Vegan Cream of Mushroom Soup Recipe (For Cooking)

This Vegan Cream of Mushroom Soup Recipe makes about 3 ½ cups! This Vegan Cream of Mushroom Soup Recipe is great for salads,...

Gluten Free Vegan Chinese Chickpea Salad Recipe

Gluten Free Vegan Chinese Chickpea Salad Recipe

This Vegan Chinese Chickpea Salad Recipe fills the tummies of 4 to 6 people. Looking for a quick vegan salad to try? Try...

blueberry muffin

Gluten Free Vegan Blueberry Banana Muffin Recipe

This animal-friendly and celiac disease friendly, muffin recipe makes 12 mouth watering, delicious muffins! Who said having a bunch of diet restrictions had...

Vegetarian Potatoe Leek Soup

Vegetarian Potato Leek Soup Recipe

This super delicious and super healthy vegetarian potato leek soup recipe serves about 4-6 people. Prep time takes about 20 minutes and cook...

faux meat snacks

Vegetarian Faux Meat Snacks to Try

There are many reasons to cut meat out of your diet. Most red meat comes with a wide variety of negative health issues,...

kid friendly vegan recipes

Why Kid Friendly Vegan Recipes Are Good For Your Child

A vegan diet is smart because it helps you eat a healthy diet that doesn’t include meat. It is a superior diet but...

vegan gluten free pancakes

Vegan Gluten Free Pancakes

Get ready for the easiest recipe of your life!  When you hear vegan and/or gluten free, most tremble with fear that it will...

Crispy Tofu Baked

Crispy Tofu Baked

So here I go again with the not very appealing-sounding or looking recipes but they DO taste bomb. So gah-head and try it...

FoodLiving HealthyRecipes

Vegan Yogurt Bowl – Breakfast or Dessert?

  Vegan Yogurt Bowl – Breakfast Recipe or Dessert? 😉 (Gluten Free) Being a vegan in 2016 is super simple. Just a few...

Vegan Burrito

Vegan Burrito Recipe (Gluten-Free)

THIS vegan burrito recipe is everything. Everything. I often explain how to make this vegan burrito recipe to people and it sounds absolutely disgusting...