Vegan Yogurt Bowl – Breakfast Recipe or Dessert? 😉 (Gluten Free)
Being a vegan in 2016 is super simple. Just a few short years ago this was not the case. Being vegan has become more, mainstream. Especially since everyone seems to have some type food restriction for medical reasons or for personal choice. When you are concerned about being organic, meat free, gluten free, or just clean eating, at some point you realize being vegan is easier (and healthier) than trying to fit all those restrictions into a typical meat-eating diet. Now, when you cruise a typical grocery store you will find vegan burger patties, alternative milk, vegan hot dogs, and vegan yogurt and so on. This past weekend I cleared out my local grocery stores yogurt section and decided to have some fun meals with my kids! Hello, vegan yogurt bowl. This breakfast had my kids asking if this was breakfast or dessert!
Gluten Free Vegan Yogurt Bowl Ingredients / Things to throw in your bowl, no cooking required!

- KIND Healthy Grains – Pick your favorite granola / clusters. (Not all are vegan.)
- Silk Strawberry Dairy-Free Yogurt
- Silk Vanilla Dairy-Free Yogurt
- Organic Blue Agave Nectar by Wholesome
- Raw Organic Goji Berries
- Chia Seeds
- Banana
Gluten Free Vegan Yogurt Bowl Recipe / The throwing food into a bowl part.
- Scoop the Silk Strawberry Dairy-Free Yogurt into one side of the bowl (if you have a paper plate or something to block it from going to the other side of the bowl, that helps but no necessary).
- Scoop the Silk Vanilla Dairy-Free Yogurt to the other side of the bowl.
- Sprinkle with half a tablespoon of chia seeds.
- Put a little mountain of granola in the middle!
- Cut bananas in to slices and decorate around the bowl.
- Top with some raw organic goji berries.
- Pour the Organic Blue Agave Nectar by Wholesome over the bowl like you would with honey (got mine at Costco).
- Enjoy the party in your mouth!
See how easy that vegan yogurt bowl was?! Life doesn’t have to be hard. Just throw some food in your cart and play in the kitchen until you find what you love! Want another healthy vegan, gluten free breakfast idea? Check out my yummy Healthy Breakfast Recipe: Rainbow Oats here!