Home Fitness 5 Ways to Keep Baby Happy While Getting a Good Workout

5 Ways to Keep Baby Happy While Getting a Good Workout


Jogging with Dog and Baby by Capitola WharfHaving babies and small children in the home can make it difficult for parents and guardians alike to hit the gym, and this can become even more complicated if the caregivers work. In our society it seems as though time is always scarce. However, it is important to make sure that time is made for exercise. Not only will this make you feel better, but it will also give you the necessary strength need when it is time to keep up with not only children as they continue to grow but the ins and outs of life as well. 

If you cannot hit the gym, you can turn your living room or your entire neighborhood into a workout space without worrying about neglecting your child. The following five tips should be used as a catalyst towards a successful workout strategy.

1. Workout Videos – As long as the child has something to occupy them and they can see you, they will typically be content enough to let you fit in some exercise with a workout video. Every parent should view high chairs as multipurpose objects, and not to only be used during feeding times. Your best bet is to place your baby in a high chair facing you with their favorite snack and perhaps a toy. The child will mostly likely view your workout movements as a performance and will enjoy it.

2. Face to Face Stroller – A face to face stroller will give your baby the opportunity to keep their eyes on you while you take them for a walk, jog or run throughout the neighborhood or area park. Most children will love the sensation of the movement, and you will be able to work up a healthy sweat.

Violet In Her High Chair3. Do Yoga Together – Babies are welcome in many yoga classes, and it is always a good idea to start them down the path of physical fitness at a young age. As an added bonus, the time that you spend together in a yoga class will help your bond grow even stronger.

4. Bicycle Baby Seat – With the bicycle baby seat properly attached to your bike, you can skip short car rides and take healthy bike rides together instead. Babies will love the motion, and they will also enjoy seeing so many new things.

5. Utilize the Playpen – By putting the child in their playpen with a few of their favorite toys, you can free up enough room in your home to safely lift weights while your baby sits happily playing within eyesight.

Regardless of the techniques you use, it is necessary for your health for you to do your best to fit in at least a couple of workouts a week. You will not have any regrets. You will feel energized and will be able to keep up with your little one. You will also teach your child at a young age the importance of being healthy and physically fit. Self-determination and motivation is key if you are to be successful in this endeavor. 

As a runner and mother of two, Nickey Williams avidly workouts with both adolescent children and has done so since the birth of her first born. Kids II® the worldwide baby and toddler expert is devoted to making a change in the lives of families. They carry some of the most inventive baby brands and manufacture innovative products from high chairs to bouncers that help busy parents do far more with the restricted time they have.

Photo credit: joeshlabotnik

Photo credit: ddebold

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