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Living HealthyLose Weight

How To Get Your Body Beach Ready in 5 Steps

Getting the body beach ready is not as complicated as it sees when following the right steps. 1. Staying Hydrated One of the...


Compression Stockings For Dummies

Compression stockings are designed to increase blood flow in your legs. There are several different types of these elastic stockings, anti-embolism and gradient...

Lose Weight

7 Fast-Foods That Causes Weight Gain

With a hectic lifestyle and limited physical activity, obesity has become one of the major concerns for people at least in the developed...

General Health

Sleep is Golden for College Students

As a college student, one of the most prized and valuable commodities is sleep. If you are a college student and you average...

General Health

Holistic Dog Health Strategies

Holistic Dog Health Strategies How to Keep Your Pet Healthy and Protected from Disease Why are holistic dog health strategies so popular? In...

General Health

Story Of A Victim Of Low Self Esteem

As others would define me, I was a high- spirited man of a jolly nature. I agreed with them. I loved being happy...

General Health

Migraines – And How to Make Sure They Don't Ruin Your Pregnancy Experience

All pregnant women experience a whole new world of pains, aches and a general feeling of being uncomfortable in many parts of their...

General Health

Your Sense of Smell

Senses are interconnected Did you know that when you ‘taste’ food, most of the flavor actually comes from your sense of smell? And...

General Health

Natural Pain Relief: Why Massage Therapy Is So Popular In This Day And Age

Effects Massage is fast becoming recognised as a credible and effective method of alternative therapy when it comes to pain relief.  Massage has...

Living Healthy

Foods That Boost Energy

Wake up sleepy eyes; we have shortlisted foods that are going to boost your energies sufficiently to avoid that drowsy bout which plagues...