Home Living Healthy 5 Ways To Fight Sleep Deprivation
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5 Ways To Fight Sleep Deprivation

Sleep Deprivation

Not getting enough sleep at night is exhausting. If it becomes a consistent problem, sleep deprivation can affect your health and daily life. It can result in sudden mood changes, weakened immunity, and many other health problems. As these problems persist, they may present trouble in your daily routines. You could engage in dangerous drowsy driving habits or suffer from poor performance at work. If you’re not getting enough sleep, try these five ways to fight sleep deprivation.

Video Overview

Limit Caffeine to Fight Sleep Deprivation

Coffee lovers may want to reconsider the amount they drink every day. Coffee is a stimulant that blocks sleep-inducing chemicals in the brain. If you’re planning on having a second cup of coffee in the late afternoon, you could end up tossing and turning all night.

Put Your Phone Down

If your nighttime routine includes scrolling on your phone, you could be preventing yourself from falling asleep. The blue light from our phones, laptops, TVs, and other electronic devices halts the production of the hormone melatonin, which helps us go to sleep. Try to avoid these devices at least an hour before you go to bed for a better night’s sleep. You can also try:

  • Reading a book
  • Journaling
  • Doing a puzzle
  • Listening to music or a podcast

Avoid Long Naps

A quick nap lasting 20 minutes or less can be a great energy booster if you’re feeling too tired to make it through the day. However, napping longer than 20 minutes can leave you feeling even more tired and sluggish and throw off your nighttime sleeping pattern.

Keep a Routine to Fight Sleep Deprivation

Humans are creatures of habit. Following the same morning and bedtime routine can train your body to sleep better. For example, taking a shower every night before bed can signal to your brain that it’s time to prepare for sleep.

Try Meditating

Sometimes, it’s hard to turn our brains off and fall asleep. Whether you’re stressing about a big work project or thinking about that embarrassing thing you did as a kid, all kinds of thoughts and worries can keep us up at night. Meditating takes a lot of practice and patience, but you’ll soon learn how to clear your mind of unnecessary worry so you can peacefully drift off to sleep.

These five ways to fight sleep deprivation will have you sleeping comfortably and feeling refreshed throughout your day in no time.

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