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10 Interesting Facts About Acne


Most of us have been affected by acne at some point in our lives. It’s a common occurrence for teens and even some adults. So, it makes sense that acne is a common topic of discussion. With the entire buzz, it’s not hard to believe that there are so many misconceptions and myths on the subject. Interestingly, there are also many little known remedies that can really help acne sufferers. Below is a list, which debunks some popular acne myths and includes interesting acne facts and remedies.

Acne fact #1- Breakouts will not improve by washing your face more often.

Acne doesn’t develop because of poor hygiene. Even though it would seem that removing the excess oil on your face will help to improve acne; over washing will give the opposite effect. Too much cleansing can irritate the skin, which can lead to worse acne flare-ups and acne scarring. The best course of action will be to gently cleanse the skin two times per day.

Acne fact #2- Makeup does not always cause acne

While it is true that some cosmetic products can cause irritation and contribute to trouble skin, this is not always necessarily true. Acne sufferers do not need to completely avoid makeup. Noncomedogenic cosmetics generally will not lead to breakouts. It’s always best to sample a bit of any product on a small patch of skin to determine whether it is safe for you to use.

Acne fact #3- Organic and natural products can cause acne

Not all products that are labeled organic or all natural are safe for those prone to breakouts. Some of these products contain substances that clog pores. Every individual’s skin is different; therefore, the patch test rule applies to organic and natural products as well.

Acne fact #4- Using too much acne medication cause make acne worse

You should use only the recommended amounts of acne medication. Overuse can again, irritate, dry the skin, and lead the additional scarring.

Acne fact #5- Some sun is good for acne, too much is bad

Sun exposure can provide some benefits to those suffering with acne- but it should be limited to 10 minutes for those with light skin and 20 minutes for those with dark skin. Anything more can contribute to more breakouts because of irritation. If your skin burns and peels, the dead skin sloughing off can clog pores and cause further breakouts. Additionally, sun exposure tends to darken acne scarring.

Acne fact #6- Diet may or may not be related to acne

It makes sense that what we eat affects our body. But, it has not been scientifically proven that poor diets definitely leads to acne. There are many cases of individuals who have terrible diets and show no signs of suffering from acne, while others who have a fairly good diet still have it. Every individual needs to be aware of how they are affected by their diets. If it seems to you that a certain type of food is affecting you negatively, by all means, the smart thing to do would be to avoid it.

Acne fact #7- Licorice extract has strong anti-acne properties

The bacterium P. acnes causes acne. Using products that effectively attacks this bacterium will help to improve acne.

Acne fact #8- The best way to fight acne is to prevent the eruption

The secret to effectively treating acne is to prevent the breakouts in the first place. Therefore, you should not discontinue treatment when skin is clear.

Acne fact #9- Supplements can help acne sufferers

Some of the best supplements will help to boost your immune system to combat acne bacteria and fight inflammation. Some of the most effective supplements include: Vitamin D, Alpha linolenic acid, Methylsulfonylmethane, N-acetyl cysteine, and Vitamins A, C, and E.

Acne fact #10- Acne is curable

There are many cases of acne sufferers who have been cured. Even if you have been battling acne for years, you can still get relief. Be diligent with treatment. Be aware of the products that cause irritation and breakouts. When you notice improvement, continue with your regimen.

There you have 10 interesting facts about acne. In the end, the most important components to beating acne are to decrease the amount of acne causing bacteria on the skin and treat the inflammation.

Daniel Crieg is an expert who specializes in healthcare and dermatology. His work can be found on his personal website, Acne24.Net, where he shares in-depth information for acne sufferers on the best acne treatment options available. Please feel free to take a look at the site for valuable information on successfully treatment.

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