Home General Health The Most Important Factors In Increasing Longevity
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The Most Important Factors In Increasing Longevity


Increasing LongevityWith the New Year looming, and most of us already thinking about putting down the cookies and getting back into shape, its a good time to reflect on how the habits we adopt have a direct effect of our health. A tremendous amount of research was done this year on longevity and it turns out that most of us have much more control in our fate than previously believed. Here are just a few things that researchers found that made a direct contribution to a longer, healthier life.

It’s never too late to make changes

So often people feel that it is too late for them to quit smoking or start exercising but according to the latest research its never too late to adopt healthy habits. Researchers found that people who started exercising, eating healthy and stopped smoking at the age of 75 still lived 5.4 years longer than their unhealthy peers.


The benefits of exercise are nothing new, but this year researchers found that the correlation between exercise and longevity is even greater than previously believed. They found that is some women 1 additional hour of exercise increased life expectancy by 11 hours.


According to a study conducted in Taiwan, people over the age of 65 who cooked for themselves at least five times a week were 47% more likely to still be alive 10 years later.

Don’t worry, be happy

A link has been found between longevity and certain personality traits. Those that tend to laugh most often and experience the least amount of stress tend to live longer than those who are often depressed or angry. The same study, that looked at genes and aging, found that an optimistic outlook also contributed to a longer life. Researchers found that those who lived longest tended to be outgoing, easy going, optimistic, open about their feeling and social.

Take your vitamins

Certain studies have found that taking supplement like calcium, vitamin D, antioxidants and omega-3s can help prevent death in those in their 60’s and 70’s by about 9%.

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