Home Living Healthy How To Get Your Body Beach Ready in 5 Steps
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How To Get Your Body Beach Ready in 5 Steps


Getting the body beach ready is not as complicated as it sees when following the right steps.

1. Staying Hydrated
One of the most important things to do when prepping for beach season is to stay hydrated. Drinking enough water hydrates the body so it looks less bloated, will keep the stomach feeling full to avoid eating too much, and the water will flux excess toxins out of the body making the skin glow from the inside out. Staying hydrated is also an important part of the exercise that will be necessary to get the body in shape for the beach.

2. Cardiovascular Exercise
Getting cardiovascular exercise is the best way to burn a lot of calories at one time. The body loses fat and weight when it burns more calories than are being taken in. A good cardiovascular exercise routine can burn 600 calories an hour and blast the fat away. Aerobics and spinning classes at the gym can burn these calories as well as jogging on the road or treadmill or swimming for an hour in the pool.

3. Strength Training Exercise
In combination with cardiovascular exercising should be strength training exercise. Strength training exercise tones the muscles and builds more muscle mass. Bigger muscles burn more calories even while the body is at rest for a calorie burning boost. Toned muscles also give the body a better overall shape making it look athletic, lifted and strong. Strength training can be practiced alone at the gym but having a work out partner or personal trainer makes it easier to stay motivated.

4. Improving The Diet
It is no secret that eating excessive carbohydrates, fats, and sweets can make the body look puffy and bloated. There is nothing worse than looking bloated and puffy on the beach so switching to more slimming and nutritious foods is the best dieting idea. Fresh vegetables contain beauty enhancing nutrients and vitamins and contain little to no fat and carbohydrates. Lean meats like chicken and fish are also great for their proteins that will be helpful when building muscle through strength training exercise.

5. Take Care of Skin
Dull and ashy skin is not an attractive look on the beach or anytime. Before hitting the beach use a skin brush or exfoliating cream to get rid of the dead cells. Renewed and fresh skin cells makes the body look younger and more supple.

Written by Dicks Cottons a leader in lifestyle sunglasses. Since 2009 DicksCottons.com has been providing high quality lifestyle sunglasses and accessories.

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