Home General Health 5 Tasty And Healthy Smoothie Recipes
General Health

5 Tasty And Healthy Smoothie Recipes

colorful smoothies

The weather is getting warmer so that means the drinks should be getting cooler!

One of my favorite spring and summer beverages are… Smoothies! I mean who doesn’t love a delicious ice cold smoother when the humidity and temperature reaches seemingly unbearable heights?

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As awesome as smoothies are, you still must be careful of the ingredients that you put inside of them to that they remain a bit on the healthier side. Adding lots of sugar and dairy to your smoothie in combination with high temperatures is just asking for trouble such as possible dehydration. No one wants that on a day out at the beach.

So, I wanted to share with you 5 of my favorite healthy & tasty recipes:

1. Strawberry, Banana, Pineapple: All three of these fruits are VERY sweet so there will be no need to add more sugar. The banana gives the smoothie a creamy like substance so you also won’t need to add dairy either. Awesome!

2. Mango, Peach, Banana, and Kale: This mix is great! It tastes wonderful and the kale makes it super healthy. Just a tip, almost any time you add anything “green” to your smoothie, it will turn the color green. Trust me, you will not even taste the kale!

3. Acai, Pineapple, Kiwi: Acai is a superfruit with anti-oxidants that your body will love. Plus your taste buds will thank you.

4. Raspberry, Blueberry, Honey: Adding honey to your smoothie gives the sweet taste without all the yucky stuff that sugar has packed inside of it. It’s perfect to add it to any smoothie with berries because of their tart taste.

5. Kale, Kiwi, Broccoli, Banana, Pineapple: This smoothie has two amazing ingredients. The broccoli and kale mixed together will give you an energy boost, making days at the beach more enjoyable!

Happy sipping!

Amber O.

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