When you are looking for some variety to your everyday brown rice meals, you can never go wrong with a new tasty bean mix! It is important to mix up your diet often with new healthy foods. Try new colors in fruits, veggies, beans, rice, and more! This is a twist on a traditional smoked ham hocks bean dish without meat but with plenty of flavor!
Ingredients for the red beans recipe:
- One pound of red beans, either small red beans or red kidney beans or pinto beans
- 6-8 cups of flavorful vegetarian broth (buy extra, in some cases, you will need more)
- ½ tablespoon of cornstarch
- ½ tablespoon of smoked paprika
- 2 boxes of your favorite vegetarian sausage links (not patties)
- One medium onion, chopped small
- One medium size bell pepper, chopped
- 1 ½ cups celery, chopped
- 1 ½ cups of mushrooms, chopped
- Two cloves of garlic, chopped, or one tablespoon garlic powder
- One tablespoon of lemon pepper or more to taste
- Three bay leaves
Instructions for the red beans and rice recipe:
- Put beans and broth in a pan.
- Bring to a boil over high heat, and boil for three minutes.
- Turn off heat and let set for at least one hour for a quick soak.
- Add the cornstarch, smoked paprika, mushrooms, onion, bell pepper, celery, garlic, and bay leaves.
- Cook on high heat until pot comes to a boil again.
- Then lower heat to medium and cook about two hours on medium heat.
- When the beans are well cooked and soft, turn the heat to high again, and watch. carefully, stirring frequently, as the liquid cooks down and thickens.
- Note: At this point, if you still have quite a bit of liquid in the beans, you may pour the liquid into another pan and boil down to one-third or one-half, and then return the liquid to the beans. This will make a thicker, gravy-like mixture.
- Cook the sausage links on the stove top until skin is slightly crispy. When finished, cut in to round slices and add to beans.
- Add lemon pepper to taste, and continue to cook until you have your desired consistency. Serve over rice.
Serves 2-4 people. You can use pinto beans also instead of red beans.