Home Featured The Most Underrated Healthy Foods

The Most Underrated Healthy Foods


Habitual healthy eating can make you feel better physically and improve your mood. But if you find yourself in a rut where your meals seem to be on repeat, consider adding some of the most underrated healthy foods to your grocery list.

Healthy foods don’t have to be exotic or difficult to pronounce. Some may be sitting neglected at the back of your pantry and others may simply have fallen off your radar. Here are a few old standbys to circle back to:

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Renowned for its cholesterol-lowering power, oatmeal also supplies soluble fiber. It breaks down into a gel-like substance, making you feel full, and as a result, you eat less.


Other more glamorous nuts such as pistachios and pecans get more attention, but peanuts are stalwarts that add a lot of nutrition in a small package. They’re a great source of folate and Vitamin E. Like other nuts, peanuts are a calorie-dense food, so those wanting to lose weight shouldn’t eat too many a day.


Eating your rabbit food has many benefits. Another fiber-filled filler-upper, carrots make a great snack to substitute for processed munchies. They do have a bit more sugar than other veggies, but generally are low in calories. They’re a source of vitamin A, and also contain antioxidants that help clear harmful free radicals from the body.


They do contain sugar, and count for two rather than one portion of fruit in a day, but bananas are a good source of potassium, vitamins, and fiber. They provide a burst of energy for athletes and those who love to work out.

Beans and Lentils

Don’t neglect the lowly legume! Beans and lentils are low in fat and high in minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassium, and folate. They contain both soluble and insoluble fiber, are filling, and aid digestion.

Garlic, Onions, and Ginger

These flavor-packed stalwarts do a lot of great things for your health. There’s some evidence that garlic boosts immunity, cuts the risk of strokes and heart disease, and can help prevent dementia with its antioxidants. Like garlic, onions contain sulphur compounds and antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber.

Ginger has been used in traditional medicines to treat upset stomachs. It even has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects. Evidence exists that ginger can lower blood sugar and help prevent heart disease with its antioxidant effects.

These underrated, healthy foods provide many nutritional and health benefits. You probably already have many of them in the house, so enjoy!

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